Lunch Lady Update

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Check out Lunch Lady Full Version and prepare for a dangerous confrontation with the malevolent spirit of your school that is going to teach you a lesson on what consequences cheating on the exams causes. Gather your friends and make an attempt to outsmart the violent Lunch Lady!

Get the notes or die

In Lunch Lady you are going to have only one mission and that is to discover a certain number of papers and steal them without being noticed.

It doesn’t matter who exactly from your team discovers them, the only requirement is to get them all and run away from the evil entity that can wait for you around any corner. Listen carefully and if you hear the lady coming, run in the opposite direction!

Lunch Lady Full Version also suggests several kinds of schools, each having its distinctive features and secrets that you are about to figure out. The recent update, for example, offers you to infiltrate the Hibashi High School which is going to welcome you by its weirdly neat, but creepy corridors.

There are other items that you may use in the game as well. Apart from the papers, you shouldn’t leave out the med kits. Without them you won’t be able to fix your wounds and most likely the monster will return to finish you! Thus, always keep one kit with you in case somebody gets hurt.

Look for new approaches

Another interesting element of this thrilling project is the fact that each run is unique. The necessary objects can be found in different shelves, lockers, boxes and other unremarkable places. Be extremely attentive if you want to accomplish your task quickly.

In Lunch Lady if you don’t work fast, you are done, as the longer you stay at school, the more dangerous the monster becomes. Eventually you will notice that the lady runs quicker and hits more painfully, so the best solution is to search for the papers non-stop.

To make your efforts more effective, you may want to split up and investigate the terrains separately. Use the chat to warn your team members if you noticed the monster, but ensure that you won’t die from her deadly pan yourself!