Lunch Lady

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Have you ever been cheating at school? Usually, all you can do is just look at the test paper of your classmate who is sitting next to you, but the main heroes of Lunch Lady decided to go further.

Help them to sneak to their school at night and steal the answers to the questions that they are going to have on their final exams.

Face the perils of the night

In Lunch Lady you will be playing in a company of four, so you will have a chance to come up with a nice strategy on how to finish your task swiftly. Explore the terrains having nothing in your inventory except for the torch. And if you suddenly discover a closed door, look for the key somewhere nearby.

However, there is a creature that doesn’t want you to get out of the building alive and that is Lunch Lady, who will be constantly patrolling the corridors, searching for you. Beware this threatening monster, as she can damage you a lot.

The gameplay also includes applying medicines to your companions, but firstly, you will need to find them.

All the items in the game will be generated in a random way, so at the beginning of the match you will never know where you should look both for the papers and for the meds together with the keys. They can literally be anywhere and you can even discover them in the same room as your main enemy! Thus, it will be better to split up in order to cover as much space as possible.

Act quickly

Another reason for the active investigation is the fact that your opponent in the game gains strength as the time passes. The longer you look for the answers and solve puzzles, the more dangerous the creature becomes. So, don’t waste your time and remember that it is better to risk while the mutant is still weak!

For the ones who want to try themselves in the hardcore regime, Lunch Lady offers a special difficulty level that will make the gameplay just insane. Make an attempt to pass the game in this mode only if you are ready for a crazy challenge! The horrors you are about to experience will be just nightmarish, but after all, you are doing it for a reason.

Once you have gathered all ten answer sheets, it is time to move in the direction of the exit. However, you should still be careful, as the monster won’t let you escape if she notices you! Don’t make much noise and move quickly. Make sure that all members of your team make it out alive and have a chance to successfully pass the exams with the information they have stolen.

The game also suggests you venture for more exploits and unlock more interesting maps. Gain experience by accomplishing the maps without deaths and gain access to more exciting content. In addition, you will be able to select different characters at the beginning of the match. So, call your friends and head to the school to get a dose of adrenalin again and meet the evil monster again.